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Systems Analysis Laboratory

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Aalto University School of Science

Academy of Finland
Academy of Finland

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Finnish Environment Institute


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PRIMEREG project

Lake Kallavesi - Unnukka

Lake Päijänne project

Environmental research at SAL

These web-pages contain material and results related to a research project lead by professor Raimo P. Hämäläinen on the use of modern decision analytical and multicriteria optimization methods in the development of a new regulation policies for lake-river systems. An essential goal is to develop user friendly methods for the direct interactive participation of stakeholders in the decision making process. Our tools such as Opinions-Online offer promizing ways to study the possibilities of web based teledemocrasy. In the decision analysis interviews prioritizations are done by the web-HIPRE Global Decision Support System and with other new tools. These web-pages are used as a support platform for these prioritizations.

The project was during years 1998-2000 partially funded by the Academy of Finland. The case studies included the lake river systems Päijänne-Kymijoki and Kallavesi-Unnukka. Mika Marttunen has been out main research coordinator and collaborator in the Finnish Environment Institute. His thesis, completed 2011: Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in the Collaborative Management of Watercourses. See also the thesis of Dr. Jyri Mustajoki: Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Support - New Tools and Processes for Practical Applications